
no matter what we do, children are definitely their own and make decisions. i teach my son "you make your choices, you'll take your consequences, whether you know it or not", i.e. some people are not even aware of their consequences, nor that those consequences are related to their choices. they just think they're on TV. *that* is the key to making a lesson received not become a lesson lost . if you learn the lesson, don't lose it.
please note that Healthy Body can be rewritten Heal Thy Body

expect a shun

whatever you're expecting, you'll be disappointed. a bit like pre-attachment.

here is there too.

here is there too

time flies, period.

TIME FLIES. period.

be here all together now!

= ! + be here + all together now

Thanks for giving. ...

Thanks for giving. This day is ironic that we celebrate Thanksgiving, --my favorite holiday-- because the original day has been traditionally told to have been rejoined with the Native Americans, the First Nation, who brought material to share with the Pilgrams. Now we celebrate that day which happened before we decided to kill nearly all of them.